Pay Per Click Management

PPC Management Company London

We are a Google recognised pay per click agency! This means we have staff that understands how to create perfectly curated PPC campaigns across search engines and social media. Campaigns that drive a positive ROI. There's no better way to INSTANTLY drive quality traffic to your website than Google Adwords' paid search advertising. 

Many businesses give up on Google Adwords because they think it doesn't work for them. We have shown such businesses that a positive ROI is possible with PPC! Our meticulous A-B split tests, conversion rate optimisation, negative keyword insertion and regular campaign monitoring with a close eye on quality scores and ad ranks makes us stand apart in the sea of PPC agencies.

Our Google services include paid search engine ads, shopping ads, YouTube ads, remarketing and display ads. Apart from that, we also excel in ads on platforms like Amazon, Bing, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.

Paid ads are about testing various keywords, removing money wasting words like "free", creating compelling ad copy and tracking which keyword + ad combinations work the best. But with all that data, it can be hard to monitor and track this.

This is where the skill of your online marketing agency comes into play. PPC bid management, and testing various landing page versions to maximise conversions are imperative to drive a successful lead generation, reputation management or e-commerce campaign.

We've had businesses come to us with Google Adwords campaigns created by well known digital marketing agencies, driving a negative ROI. 9 out of 10 times we're able to research the problem areas and optimise campaigns for our clients. 

Would You Like To Find Customers Online?

We've helped dozens of businesses identify the potential of paid ads on Google and Bing and transformed companies into national brands. Let us spend your money sensibly and get you more product or service buyers.

Get Those Users Back With PPC Remarketing

Remarketing is a tool that works brilliantly for some businesses. By setting a cookie on the computer of a user who has visited your website, you can re-engage with them via display ads when they surf other websites. This generates high brand recall and reminds your potential customers to buy from you.

The Power of Social Paid Advertising

Social paid advertising is tricky. Based on users' interests you show them ads that may interest them. This is life-line for some businesses but doesn't work for some. We have set up super-successful social campaigns for B2C businesses. We've seen Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram ads doing wonders for our clients.

Ads On Related Sites - Display Advertising

A lot of sites participate in Google Ad monetising programs like Adsense and Doubleclick. You can choose to show your ads on these websites. Say you sell "paraben free baby shampoo", you can choose to display your ads on a site that reviews non toxic baby products. The opportunities are endless and we're here to research the best sites for you!

Advertising Your Business Via Video on Youtube

Video ads can be targeted to users based on their interests and the genre of videos they're watching. Google charges per 1000 impressions and per click. We've all seen video ads that you can either "skip" in 5 seconds or you're made to watch for 10-20 seconds. We work with partners who create superb video content and then get you visibility on video sites such as A good example can be Healthcare Management.

Pay per click is a sure-fire way to test the market! If your business is scalable and say by spending £10 on PPC you make a profit of £5, then you know that by spending £10000 you will make £5000. It's all about finding that perfect equilibrium and we'll get you there 9 out of 10 times!

Our case studies

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Spend Managed for Clients




Positive ROI from PPC


Months Needed to Optimise and Hit Target


Businesses Benefit From Paid Ads on Social Media

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Let us help you get your business online and grow it with passion

Look no further for online marketing success with paid ads! We've done it for hundreds of websites and we can do it for you. We don't want your money unless you're making money from Paid Ads. That's why we charge a nominal one off fixed fee until we prove a positive ROI, then we charge a percentage of your spend. 

Pay per click paves the way for successful organic ranking campaigns (SEO). It helps identify keywords that have the highest ROI for your business so you can invest in an organic campaign that would exponentiate your business' penetration on search.


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