Online Marketing Packages


£200 -  £500 pm or a one-off service fee

Ideal for startups and small businesses looking to gain a foothold in the search and social media space.

Is this the right plan for my business?

Thousands of businesses in the UK run on the borderline - a typical borderline business doesn't have a sales team or hasn't made use of online marketing effectively.  These businesses work hard, get work through foot-fall or by word of mouth/traditional media but are surrounded by uncertainty about where the next client will come from or how the sales volume will grow. If you are one such business, get in touch with us to find out how many potential customers search for a business like yours in your area and to explore what we can do to help your business grow.

We at Modulus Systems online marketing have helped dozens of small businesses create local or nation-wide search marketing campaigns to acquire new customers. Pick up that phone and discuss your business with us now. We can help, take action and change the way you find customers - Arjun Sandhu - Founder, Modulus Systems Europe Ltd.


£500-2,000 pm

If you're a successful medium sized business looking to strengthen your position at the top of organic rankings and looking for cutting edge search and social PPC campaigns to maximise return on spend.

Is this the right plan for my business?

You've worked hard to be where you are. If getting more sales or acquiring new customers is taking away more time than the actual running of the business, then you haven't worked on your spend per conversion (also called cost per acquisition). Founders / CEOs of the most successful businesses know how much money needs to be spent on online marketing to generate 1 customer on average.

When we work for a medium sized business, we make a strategy to target all possible areas of online marketing - paid search advertising, organic SEO, social media marketing, display advertising etc. We then create conversion funnels to identify which campaign generated what ROI. Once you know that you're spending X amount of money per customer, then you can concentrate on increasing your bottom line. 

Some medium sized businesses we work with rely on one form of advertising - for example "pay per click" advertising. These businesses need a sustainable SEO (search engine optimisation) action plan to generate business through organic search. My team and I have helped various businesses achieve top organic rankings and generate hundreds of thousands of customers without paying per click.

Whatever your need, speak with me or one of my team members and we'll guide you in the right direction - Arjun Sandhu, Founder, Modulus Systems Europe Ltd.


£2,000+ pm

Custom plans for big companies to reach massive audiences via search. Companies that already have proven PPC based profitable revenue models but want to target organic traffic. 

Is this the right plan for my business?

If you're a big business in a very competitive space online, please get in touch. We have executed search marketing campaigns in some of the world's most competitive online market places like online gambling, package holidays and hotels and have ranked websites #1 for super-competitive key-phrases. Sustained rankings are built through creativity, ideas and hard-work. There are very few companies in the UK that can achieve what we have achieved, for the price. 

Get in touch with me, I can help - Arjun Sandhu, Founder of Modulus Systems Europe Ltd.

There is no shortcut to success - every bit of online marketing has to be well thought of and powered by multi-variate testing - Arjun Sandhu, Founder.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Offer Web Design Services?

We have an excellent team of web designers and programmers that we contract. We don't take up web-design only projects, but many times we need to re-design bits of our clients websites or code-in new functionalities, for which we have a very smart team of people.

How is Modulus Systems Different?

We have our eyes carefully focused on one thing - how much profitability our clients derive out of our work. That makes us different from many companies that do a lot of work for branding or things like creative content production that is impossible to equate into actual £££s made. Our creative efforts are focused on getting links that improve rankings - and 9 out of 10 times, we win for our clients.

Do You Deal With Penalised Websites?

Yes, we have worked on websites penalised manually or by algorithmic penalties like Panda and Penguin. We have very high successful recovery rate and have helped many businesses re-build link profiles and great quality content for superb organic traffic after penalty recovery. 

Do You Guarantee Search Engine Rankings?

No, we don't guarantee rankings because a lot depends on the competition and the volatility of search algorithms, but you can trust our track record. We have obtained #1 organic search rankings in some of the world's most competitive online markets.