Email Marketing

Email Marketing Agency London

Email marketing is undoubtedly the best way to increase the lifetime value of your users. With advanced mailing services that we use, you can set up auto-responders, keep your users updated with offers/new products and get them to come back and buy repeatedly.

Users that subscribe to emails from your business like what you have to offer. They may not necessarily be ready to buy now, but sending them regular communication means some of them will come back to buy your products or services. Email marketing targeted to the right users provides a great ROI.

Email marketing is also a great way to build a brand. Regular (but not too regular) interesting emails remind the users about your brand, so when they're ready to buy a service or product that you offer, they'll think of your business.

At Modulus Systems Europe Ltd we manage email campaigns for our clients and our testimonials speak volumes for what our clients have achieved from our intelligent email campaigns.

Email is also a beautiful tool when it comes to self-sustenance. Companies that pay attention to email campaigns from the start end up with a valuable database of customers and potential customers. This database itself promises a certain revenue and no matter what changes in the search engine algorithm or how your site fares on SEO, the email database continues to drive sales and self-sustainability. 

Intelligent Custom Email Campaigns

Our team can help you set up an email strategy to automatically email buyers of your products at regular intervals. You can have hundreds of thousands of customers being sent emails targeted to what they're interested in. And every user can be at a different part of the email life-cycle at the same time.

Email Design and Customisation

Services like MailChimp or Aweber offer superb customisations including hundreds of email templates. We can plan a great branded email template that will be perfect for your brand. Engaging subject lines make sure that a large number of emails are opened and proper calls to action mean your revenues rise.

Landing Pages and Email Conversions

Landing pages, email capture in return for a reward/freebie/e-book/video and then following up on the users who submit their emails - in one line, that's how you can summarise a successful email campaign. There is a lot that can go wrong. We can help you attain high conversion rates by creating high quality copy and by making sure all parts of the machine work together perfectly.

Monitoring the Success

The systems that we use generate comprehensive reports on how users interact with your emails, how many open, how many click through. This helps in optimising email delivery to yield higher returns on investment.

Email Marketing consultancy comes as a standard with our other online marketing services! We're here to help your business succeed online.

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Increase your online presence by choosing our email marketing services. Our award winning formula combines strategy, implementation and tracking.


Of Email Campaigns


Of Template Designs


Years of Expertise


Businesses Ignore Email

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Let us help you get your business online and grow it with passion

Think of email marketing as an independent revenue stream. For product businesses to get the customers coming back and for service businesses a fantastic lead generation tool. Whatever your business goal, there's an email campaign for it!


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