Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing Strategy

Good content increases conversions, helps your business stand out of the crowd, creates brand awareness and if done well, provides a very high return on investment.

Some have a way with words. Not every service is unique; you can be a lawyer, doctor, accountant, branded retailer and apart from the quality of your service, there's nothing else that stands you apart. How then would you convince your customers that they should buy from you or use your services? What would you do to be recommended by bloggers, how would you make the news and ultimately what would you do to get the coveted "brand recall"?

As obvious as it may sound, what goes on your website decides how your potential clients see you, how much people love your brand and how many people recommend you. "Content is King" and it takes in-depth research, creativity and experience to decide what to write and what words to use.

That's what Modulus Systems' effective content marketing can do for you.

It starts with keyword research and understanding of user behaviour over time. A good content marketing company would encourage you to write about all aspects of the problem that your clients are facing. Content marketing is essential for becoming an authority in your field.

We get highly qualified native writers to write content. Content becomes classy when it contains new information, not something that's already available. Combine that with use of info-graphics and unique images, you get content that spreads like wild-fire, gets linked to and attracts customers.

Our content marketing has seen new businesses become national brands. We have helped our clients identify what would get them featured in news and our clients have been featured on BBC,, The Guardian and many other very high authority websites. This helps increase trust and search engine rankings.

Industry News

Your business is seen as credible when you post rich, useful and entertaining news about your industry. Posts like that tell people that your business is trust-worthy and genuine.

Case Studies

Your potential users are interested in knowing details of how your business works and how you help solve their problems. Case studies are a great way to increase customer trust and increase conversions, especially for service based businesses

Content Strategy

Content strategy means that every piece of content on your website has a purpose and it helps you gain trust, traffic and customers. A well-thought content strategy is essential for online success.

Testimonials or Reviews

Why do people visit review sites before buying a service/product? It's because your future customers want to know whether your service/product is any good. That's why you must have client testimonials to show your potential clients that your product/service is worth their money.

Press Releases

Users go through various stages before they feel confident about buying a product or service. The final stage quite often is "brand research". If you have high quality press releases, that would help your users make their buying decision.

Unique Stats

Another brilliant way to make your content work for you is to produce stats and figures. It is hard work, but it gets your business acknowledged - this helps reach more people and convert higher.

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Impact of High Quality Content


Impact of Adding Case Studies


Impact of Reviews and Testimonials


Impact of Press Releases, Interviews and Other Strategies

We are aware of the importance of a successful content marketing campaign, which is why we create informative, engaging and persuasive content that captures customers’ interest. We tailor a bespoke content marketing strategy for each of our clients.

Your website uses content, images and videos to speak with your target customers. The more thought, effort and energy that goes into generating the content, the more success that content is likely to bring back.

Effective Copyrighting

Your potential clients go through many phases when deciding which product or service to buy. The three funnels that a typical user goes through are:

  1. Searching for a product to solve their problem

  2. Researching more about the product and feeling comfortable

  3. Researching the dependability of the product brand and buying the product

How can we help your business?

Get in touch for a chat on how we can develop a content plan to boost your sales and trust online.

Get in touch to start producing superb content written or proof read by 5 star professional writers. Let's make an impact online!


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